Leadership - Volunteer, Art, Science

Presidential Service Awards — 2023

Each year, CompassPoint Mentorship invites students of all ages to participate in volunteering activities in the local community of the San Francisco Bay Area. Below is a list of sample projects that students can get involved in:

  1. Painting Murals in Santa Clara County Parks

  2. Hosting a Fundraising Concert for the Santa Visits Alviso Foundation

  3. Writing Songs for the band Dream Achiever of FCSN

  4. Serving as a Teaching Assistant for non-profit summer camps and schools

  5. Fundraising for the Alum Rock Counseling Center

  6. Join all the environmental cleanups in San Jose area.

Summer of 2023

Mural, Robotics, Cooking, Kayaking, MarsB & More



We’ve partnered with incredible forward thinking companies that are headstrong in bestowing our youth with the knowledge and building blocks for creating a better tomorrow.


Our mission is to connect children and mentors using an educational framework designed to motivate children around the world to convert ideas into world-changing actions. We exercise hybrid online and hands-on education that spurs collaboration and critical thinking skills using curricula such as environmental science, engineering, applied arts and physical education.